La semana en breve - Computación en la nube #77

MarkeTech Group
Computación en la nube
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La semana en breve - Computación en la nube #77-


AWS Announces General Availability of the AWS Panorama Appliance

AWS announced the general availability of the AWS Panorama Appliance, a new device that customers can install in their facilities to run applications that analyze multiple video streams from existing on-premises cameras.


Azure updates AKS with new Kubernetes technologies

Microsoft continues to evolve Azure’s container orchestration platform, adding proxy and WebAssembly support. Kubernetes is the foundation of much modern cloud-native software. Although it’s a mature technology that’s important for Azure and other hyperscale clouds, Kubernetes is definitely not standing still.


Google announces sustainability initiatives

Google picked up its pace on tackling climate change with announcements of new sustainability initiatives surrounding Google Cloud. It began by announcing Carbon Footprint, a new service for customers that tracks gross carbon emissions associated with their Google Cloud Platform usage.

MarkeTech Group

MarkeTech Group is a global media company that believes in content, communities, and bringing value to its members.

We create events, podcasts, Vlogs, and articles based on our global communities in local languages to support cloud computing adoption, educating the younger generation, and accelerating the digital transformation.‍

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