La semana en breve - Computación en la nube #119- 05.08.22 - 12.08.22
This Week at Glance is Powered by Call For Speakers - EuropeClouds Summit 2022:

Week at Glance: Cloud Computing #119 - 05.08.22 - 12.08.22
Amazon launches AWS Private 5G so companies can build their own 4G mobile networks
Amazon’s cash-cow cloud division AWS has launched a new service designed to help companies deploy their own private 5G networks — eventually, at least.
AWS first announced AWS Private 5G in early preview late last year, but it’s now officially available to AWS customers starting in its U.S. East, U.S. East and U.S. West regions, with plans to roll it out internationally “in the near future.”
Microsoft’s New Azure Fluid Relay Service Now Generally Available
Microsoft announced its Azure Fluid Relay service's general availability (GA). This managed cloud offering enables web developers to use the Fluid Framework for building enterprise-grade collaborative applications.
Google Cloud Introduces Batch, a Service for Scheduling Batch Jobs
Google Cloud recently announced the preview of Batch, a managed service to run batch jobs at scale. The new service supports the latest T2A Arm-based instances and Spot VMs for large batch jobs utilizing task parallelization